Tuesday, 21 January 2014
7 Habits That Are Decreasing Your Sperm Count
From the unhealthy habits, such as drinking, to the
stranger ones, like eating soy, we count down the
things men do that decrease sperm production.
Eating Processed Meat: A new study found that
processed meat, like sausage or bacon, can
significantly harm sperm quality. Harvard University
researchers found that men who ate half a portion
of processed meat a day had 5.5 percent ‘normal’
shaped sperm cells, compared to 7.2 percent who
ate less. Instead, they found that fish may be the
secret to better sperm.
Watching TV : The couch isn’t doing much for
men’s health as you may have guessed. But, it’s
not just his physique and motivation that are at risk
from sitting extensively in front of the tv. A study
from the British Journal of Sports Medicine
confirmed that men who watch a lot of TV have
fewer sperm than men who exercise moderately or
vigorously each week. Couch potatoes who viewed
more than 20 hours of television a week had 44
percent lower sperm count than men who watched
almost no television. Time to get moving, fellas.
Drinking : Turns out, the beer belly isn’t the only
bad side effect from his favorite beverage. Drinking
alcohol can lower testosterone levels, which in turn
leads to decreased sperm quality and production.
Moderation is key with drinking.
Not Having s*x : While some have said “saving
sperm” until a woman is most fertile could help
couples who are trying to conceive, it actually has
no benefit and can make matters worse. For guys
with low sperm counts, abstaining from even one
day of s*x can decrease their production even
further, according to researchers at Soroka
University Medical Centre in Israel. Abstaining from
s*x also causes sperm to change in shape, a sign
that the sperm is going stale.
Stressing : Stress is bad for numerous emotional
and physical reasons, but his fertility is at risk too.
Whether he’s anxious about work or even having a
low sperm count, severe or prolonged stress can
interfere with the production of testosterone. We
know some fun stress-busters for you and you guy.
Wink, wink.
Eating Soy: A 2008 Harvard School of Public Health
study revealed that even half a serving of soy a
day was enough to harm a man’s sperm
production. Isoflavones, which are found in soy
products actually mimic estrogen. More tofu for
Using His Laptop & Cell Phone : As addicted as he
may be to his two favorite pieces of technology, it
might be best for his sperm count to avoid using
them for long periods of time. Researchers warn
that the heat given off from laptops may increase
the temperature in his scrotum and reduce sperm
production. In 2008, a study revealed a strong
association between cell phone use and sperm
count, saying that those who talked for four or
more hours had fewer, weaker sperm. More
recently, it was discovered that men who carry their
phones in their pocket or on their belt were more
likely to have fewer, inactive sperm.
Source: Mens Health
Sunday, 19 January 2014
Chronic kidney disease, also called chronic kidney
failure, describes the gradual loss of kidney
function. Your kidneys filter wastes and excess
fluids from your blood, which are then excreted in
your urine.
When chronic kidney disease reaches
an advanced stage, dangerous levels of fluid,
electrolytes and wastes can build up in your body.
In the early stages of chronic kidney disease, you
may have few signs or symptoms. Chronic kidney
disease may not become apparent until your kidney
function is significantly impaired.
Chronic kidney disease is caused by damage to the
kidneys. The most common causes of this damage
High blood pressure.
High blood sugar (diabetes).
Other things that can lead to chronic kidney
disease include:
Kidney diseases and infections, such as
polycystic kidney disease, pyelonephritis, and
glomerulonephritis, or a kidney problem you were
born with.
A narrowed or blocked renal artery. The renal
artery carries blood to the kidneys.
Long-term use of medicines that can damage the
kidneys. Examples include nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen
(Advil) and celecoxib (Celebrex).
You may start to have symptoms only a few
months after your kidneys begin to fail. But most
people don't have symptoms early on. In fact, many
don't have symptoms for as long as 30 years or
more. This is called the "silent" phase of the
How well your kidneys work is called kidney
function. As your kidney function gets worse, you
Urinate less than normal.
Have swelling from fluid buildup in your tissues.
This is called edema (say "ih-DEE-muh").
Feel very tired or sleepy.
Not feel hungry, or you may shed weight without
Often feel sick to your stomach (nauseated) or
Have trouble sleeping.
Have headaches or trouble thinking clearly.
Chronic kidney disease is usually caused by
another condition. So the first step is to treat the
disease that is causing kidney damage.
Diabetes and high blood pressure cause most
cases of chronic kidney disease. If you keep your
blood pressure and blood sugar in a target range,
you may be able to slow or stop the damage to
your kidneys. Losing weight and getting more
exercise can help. You may also need to take
Kidney disease is a complex problem. You will
probably need to take a number of medicines and
have many tests. To stay as healthy as possible,
work closely with your doctor. Go to all your
appointments. And take your medicines just the
way your doctor says to.
Lifestyle changes are an important part of your
treatment. Taking these steps can help slow down
kidney disease and reduce your symptoms. These
steps may also help with high blood pressure,
diabetes, and other problems that make kidney
disease worse.
Follow a diet that is easy on your kidneys. A
dietitian can help you make an eating plan with
the right amounts of salt (sodium) and protein.
You may also need to watch how much fluid you
drink each day.
Make exercise a routine part of your life. Work
with your doctor to design an exercise program
that is right for you.
Do not smoke or use tobacco.
Do not drink alcohol.
Always talk to your doctor before you take any new
medicine, including over-the-counter remedies,
prescription drugs, vitamins, or herbs. Some of
these can hurt your kidneys.
What happens if kidney disease gets worse?
When kidney function falls below a certain point, it
is called kidney failure. Kidney failure affects your
whole body. It can cause serious heart, bone, and
brain problems and make you feel very ill.
Untreated kidney failure can be life-threatening.
When you have kidney failure, you will probably
have two choices: start dialysis or get a new kidney
(transplant). Both of these treatments have risks
and benefits. Talk with your doctor to decide which
would be best for you.
Dialysis is a process that filters your blood when
your kidneys no longer can. It is not a cure, but it
can help you feel better and live longer.
Kidney transplant may be the best choice if you
are otherwise healthy. With a new kidney, you will
feel much better and will be able to live a more
normal life. But you may have to wait for a kidney
that is a good match for your blood and tissue
type. And you will have to take medicine for the
rest of your life to keep your body from rejecting
the new kidney.
Making treatment decisions when you are very ill is
hard. It is normal to be worried and afraid. Discuss
your concerns with your loved ones and your
doctor. It may help to visit a dialysis center or
transplant center and talk to others who have made
these choices.
Saturday, 18 January 2014
Obese people are prone to sicknesses of different types and degree. while some were born obesed, others ate their way to obesity.
Which ever way one got obesity from/by one thing is sure, most dont like their shape and size as it deprive them of some interesting offers life could provide.
There are many ways to shed more weight which include the use of drugs, but we'll be discussing the natural ways of sheding weight.
Below are the two simplest and inexpensive ways to shed weight.
The more food one eats, is the more calories one accumulates; and the more calories accumulated by the body, the more weighty it become.
Eating diets that minimizes starches, sugars, and animal fat from meat and dairy foods. For rapid weight loss, it is
recommended to focus on fruits, vegitable, egg whites, soy products, skinless poultry breasts, fish, shellfish, nonfat dairy foods, and 95% lean meat.
Here are more tips :
Eat vegetables to help you feel full.
Drink plenty of water.
Get tempting foods out of your home.
Stay busy -- you don't want to eat just because
you're bored.
Eat only from a plate, while seated at a table. No
grazing in front of the 'fridge.
Don't skip meals.
its no news that exercises burn down calories consequently reducing the weight of the body, but of what use is exercise if one cannot regulate the amount of calories that goes into the body.
If you burn 500 more calories than you eat every day for a week, you should lose about 1-2 pounds.
If you want to lose weight faster, you'll need to eat
less and exercise more. So to burn more calories, Cardios are must atleast an hour a day.
It’s no secret that men love curves. Curvy,
voluptuous women have no trouble getting
attention – especially if those curves are combined
with confidence and a healthy amount of sass.
No woman knows this to be true more than Mikel
Ruffinelli, who currently holds the record for having
the widest hips in the world. Looking at her directly
from a front-end view, she appears to be a very,
VERY shapely woman – but nothing would really
strike you as abnormal.
Get a little closer, pull out a measuring tape, and
wrap it around her hips however, and you’ll find
that Mikel is way beyond your average curvy lady.
Her hips measure at an amazing eight foot
circumference – meaning she has a generous eight
feet of bootiliciousness for you.
And Mikel absolutely loves it. She loves herself,
knows that she is totally hot, and has no trouble
posing for us. Looking at her photos, you can tell
that Mikel is not shy about showing off her rare and
special figure.
“ I love my shape and I see no reason to diet
because I don’t have health problems.” Though she
does weigh 420 pounds, her waist is only 40 inches
wide – a proportionally small size considering the
width of her hips, and the fact that she has given
birth to four children. Prior to becoming a mother,
Mikel was not nearly as big as she is now. She has
very large hips because her body has demonstrated
remarkable expansibility after giving birth.
At home, Mikel sleeps in a seven foot-wide bed and
she sometimes has difficulty fitting through some
doors (unless he enters sideways), but other than
that, she and her family live a pretty normal life.
Confident about her body and loving herself for the
way she is, Mikel says, “Men don’t fancy skinny
girls, they like an hourglass figure.”
And her husband couldn’t agree more. Mikel has
been married for ten years to a man who finds her
unique shape incredibly sexy.
It’s no secret that men love curves. Curvy,
voluptuous women have no trouble getting
attention – especially if those curves are combined
with confidence and a healthy amount of sass.
No woman knows this to be true more than Mikel
Ruffinelli, who currently holds the record for having
the widest hips in the world. Looking at her directly
from a front-end view, she appears to be a very,
VERY shapely woman – but nothing would really
strike you as abnormal.
Get a little closer, pull out a measuring tape, and
wrap it around her hips however, and you’ll find
that Mikel is way beyond your average curvy lady.
Her hips measure at an amazing eight foot
circumference – meaning she has a generous eight
feet of bootiliciousness for you.
And Mikel absolutely loves it. She loves herself,
knows that she is totally hot, and has no trouble
posing for us. Looking at her photos, you can tell
that Mikel is not shy about showing off her rare and
special figure.
“ I love my shape and I see no reason to diet
because I don’t have health problems.” Though she
does weigh 420 pounds, her waist is only 40 inches
wide – a proportionally small size considering the
width of her hips, and the fact that she has given
birth to four children. Prior to becoming a mother,
Mikel was not nearly as big as she is now. She has
very large hips because her body has demonstrated
remarkable expansibility after giving birth.
At home, Mikel sleeps in a seven foot-wide bed and
she sometimes has difficulty fitting through some
doors (unless he enters sideways), but other than
that, she and her family live a pretty normal life.
Confident about her body and loving herself for the
way she is, Mikel says, “Men don’t fancy skinny
girls, they like an hourglass figure.”
And her husband couldn’t agree more. Mikel has
been married for ten years to a man who finds her
unique shape incredibly sexy.
Wednesday, 25 December 2013
Functions of Water to the Body.
Hydration is one of very few primary needs for
human beings.
But what role does water play
in our body?
A healthy sedentary adult living in a temperate climate should drink 1.5 litres of water per day. This threshold of drinking water helps to balance water losses and keep one’s body properly hydrated.
Water is a major constituent of our bodies and vital organs. It provides five vital functions in our body :
The 5 functions of water in our body includes:
human beings.

in our body?
A healthy sedentary adult living in a temperate climate should drink 1.5 litres of water per day. This threshold of drinking water helps to balance water losses and keep one’s body properly hydrated.
Water is a major constituent of our bodies and vital organs. It provides five vital functions in our body :
The 5 functions of water in our body includes:
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